Thursday, October 18, 2012

IPv4 vs. IPv6

It has been over 90 days since the launch of World IPv6

The complete transition to IPv6 will happen over a period of years, on June 6, major ISPs, home networking equipment manufacturers, and companies around the world, including AT&T, came together to permanently enable IPv6 for their products and services.

IPv4 vs. IPv6

Every device and Web site on the Internet needs an address, known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address, in order to communicate.

* Today's Internet address scheme (IPv4) supports approximately 4 billion unique addresses.
* The new address scheme (IPv6) will provide a virtually unlimited number of IP addresses.
* The full transition to IPv6 will occur slowly.
* Web sites you visit will appear the same, whether hosted by IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
* Existing devices and networks connected to the Internet will continue to work as they do now.

Preparing for IPv6

In the coming years, the entire Internet ecosystem will need to transition to IPv6. AT&T has already developed and implemented plans to enable IPv6 across their products, services, and network infrastructure for all of Their customers.

For  Residential and Small Business Internet Service Customers

Customers should not need to take any action to prepare for IPv6. Over time, new and replacement home modems, routers, and gateways, peripherals, applications, and operating systems will be enabled to be IPv6 compatible. However, some customer equipment may require upgrades or replacement to reach IPv6-exclusive web sites. AT&T Dial service will support web sites that utilize IPV4, but it will not support IPV6-only web sites. For more information about IPv6 and how it affects customers, visit <><>.

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