Monday, October 1, 2012

Chessbase Engine Room "How to challenge"


In the players window you can see all the visitors who are currently in a room. You can challenge anyone who is not playing by clicking Challenge (or double-clicking the name). Or better, you can send a general invitation to a game ("Seek") to everybody in the room.

In the dialog that appears you can suggest time controls, ask for white or black, etc. “Challenger sends game” allows you to send the starting moves, e.g., to resume an adjourned game.


When you are challenged, the name of your challenger appears in the "Challenges" window. If it is a direct challenge the arrow is red. Black arrows are general challenges to anyone in the room. The rating of your opponent, time controls and other conditions are visble.

Generate/do-it.gif You can accept, decline or modify the challenge (i.e., negotiate the conditions).

Generate/do-it.gif Seek allows you to send out a general challenge to everyone who is currently available. This is the most efficient way to offer a game. General challenges appear as black arrows, personal challenges are red arrows.

Generate/do-it.gif In Formula you can set a number of conditions, e.g., time controls, strength of the opponent, etc. Challenges that do not meet them will be automatically rejected.

Generate/do-it.gif Pause allows you to visit a room and not be challenged by other visitors. Note that general challenges will still appear in the list. Naturally you cannot challenge players who have paused themselves.


Generate/do-it.gif When you challenge a player you suggest time controls. The colours are automatically determined by the server, or you can ask for White or Black.

Generate/do-it.gif In your challenge you can offer to play a rated game. This means that the result will be used to calculate and record your playing strength on the internationally recognised Elo rating system. There are three separate ratings, one for “bullet chess” (three minutes for the entire game), one for traditional blitz (5 to 15 minutes) and one for long games.

Generate/do-it.gif Challenger sends game allows you to start a game from a position other than the normal starting position. This is used to resume adjourned games or to play a theme tournament. You should load a game from a database or enter the moves on the board before you challenge your opponent.

Note: when you click on an incoming challenge the program shows you how your rating would change in case of a win, draw or loss, as well as the current lag time of the opponent.


Start computer game:
  1. Menu Edit -> Playing mode
  2. Choose option Computer
  3. Click on Engine button, choose engine and opening book, and adjust hash tables.
  4. Activate the option Automatic challenge if you want a challenge to be sent to all other players in the computer room.
  5. Clock: Adjust the time limit. All games get rated.
  6. Activate the option Automatic accepts if you want challenges to be accepted automatically.
If you want to challenge players manually, leave the option Automatic challenge inactive. The mode Automatic accepts accepts all challenges not diverging more than 30% from your default time limit in automatic challenges.
If you want to actively participate in a computer game yourself, choose the option option Centaur. Here you can enter or analyse moves during a game.
The playing modes Computer and Centaur only work in the computer room. All games (Computer or Centaur) get rated for the computer rating.
A list of all engines playing on the server is available at: Engine Popularity Ranking

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